I was born in Brighton, England. When I was a child my family immigrated to Alberta, Canada. This is in the cold region of Canada - lots of snow in the winter (brrr). Then when I was 25, I went on a holiday to coastal British Columbia, immediately fell in love with it and just had to move there. Having had my fill of snow in the prairies, I much prefer the rainy winters here! We live not far from Vancouver, BC Canada.

My husband and I have been married for 16 years (this is the second marriage for both of us). We don't have children, but have well-loved pets instead - a dog and a cat. Our little poodle has a way of showing up in some of our photo sessions, but not usually in our hot action sets, lol.

My site is my creation. I post the pics and make all revisions. Besides being my expert photographer, my husband also rescues me when the computer acts up, because when it comes to that stuff, I have little patience for boring technical details, and I am a blonde after all, lol. After working over 25 years as a secretary, I now stay at home having fun doing my site. It can be a fair bit of work sometimes, but I really enjoy it. It feels so liberating and I love being an exhibitionist doing erotic creative themes to show off to all my members :) I've had this site for a few years and it just keeps getting better and better all the time!